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February 1, 2022

De-icing salt and trees: everything you need to know

Salting side-walks and roads is important in the winter to prevent wipe-outs, but can be extremely harmful to our trees. Salt (especially the kind that contains sodium chloride) can cause long-term damage to not only our trees, but also most vegetation. Here are some tips on how to prevent damage from happening:

  • Use an alternative. Instead of harmful salts, try using natural alternatives such as gravel or sand. 
  • Create a barrier. While we don’t have control of the roads being salted by the city, burlap, fencing and other barries can help protect our trees. You could even go as far as wrapping the tree’s base. 
  • Shovel strategically. When shovelling, be mindful where your snow piles are landing. Be sure not to dump snow piles containing salt onto or near any roots or trees. 
  • Water the ground. As soon as snow starts to melt, water the ground to dilute any salt buildup.
  • Spray your tree. Anti-desiccants are used to shield evergreens from winter damage, and will increase the odds against any salt damage. 
Now, let’s explore what salt damage looks like. The best time to spot damage is at the end of the winter or early spring. Pay special attention to the trees that border roadsides and sidewalks, which if damaged, will have browning and dying leaves, wilting branches or stunted growth. If you notice symptoms of salt damage, book a consultation as soon as possible, or get a free estimate by using the form below.
December 22, 2023
4 Issues Your Trees May Face during Calgary Winters

Winter in Calgary can be tough on our trees. The combination of freezing temperatures, Chinook winds, and heavy snowfall can lead to a lot of tree problems. To keep your trees healthy and thriving during the cold season, it's essential to recognize and address these common winter tree issues...

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November 16, 2023
Arborist's Arsenal: Essential Winter Tree Care Tips for Calgary's Chilly Season

As the snow blankets the city of Calgary, our trees face the challenges brought on by the frosty embrace of winter. Open Canopy Tree recognizes the importance of providing proper care to your trees during this season. To help you protect and maintain the health of your trees in the midst of the winter wonderland, […]

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October 4, 2023
The Vital Role of Pruning Elm Trees in Calgary's Urban Canopy

If you've ever strolled down our city streets and admired the grandeur of the Elm trees, you probably already know how important they are to our urban landscape. These big beauties provide shade, character, and that sense of home we all love. But did you know that keeping them in top shape involves more than […]

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